Proofreading and copy-editing

I specialise in plain-language editing, documents for businesses and charities, thesis and dissertation proofreading, and non-native English. Before becoming a freelance editor I worked for five years in academia, and 9 years in complex administration work.

I work on a range of different documents with businesses, charities, public-sector organisations, students and fiction authors. Recent projects include proofreading literature such as Miss Darcy’s Beaux for author Eliza Shearer.

Please get in touch to have a chat about how I can help with your project.



I really enjoyed reading your comments, they are really reflexive and helpful of couse. Thank you so much. I definately will introduce you to my friends who need proof-reading. Don't feel surprised may be one day you will recieve emails from scholars in China.

(Tong Xiyan, Sociology, University of Warwick) 

Emma worked in a time-bound manner and provided detailed and relevant feedback on my chapters. Her attention to detail was amazing throughout. In addition to taking care of my punctuation and typos Emma offered ideas for alternate terminology and paragraph/sentence structure to improve the flow of the text and make it read better. In all this she always kept in my mind the fact that I might be using technology specific to my field (Sociology of Education) and context of research (an Indian govt. school) and I really appreciated her approach. She meticulously pointed out all the terms/expressions with which my external – a British scholar – might also not be familiar (or when I had not introduced/explained an acronym/technical term in the right place).

Most importantly, it was very reassuring to have my work proofread by someone who was familiar with the requirements of a thesis like, in-text citation formats and use of acronyms. I also trusted her to keep herself updated on latest changes. She also granted my request to highlight segments where sentences were too long and/or their length made them unclear. Finally, since she is a published author and herself has a doctorate I was delighted when she wrote encouraging and appreciate remarks on my research and writing! It really helped my confidence close to my submission deadline to know that she enjoyed reading my thesis. I am very happy to recommend her to others who need theses or journal articles proofread.

(Reva Yunus, Sociology, University of Warwick)

Journal articles

As a non-native English speaker, I wanted to benefit from a reviewing of a scientific article. I am very satisfied with this editing service and find the manuscript much improved. Emma added a lot of comments and suggestions (alongside grammatical and lexical corrections) which helped to improve the readability of the text without altering its scientific meaning. The processing of the order was very fast (a few days before sending back the reviewed manuscript). Therefore, I recommend this serious editing service.

(Corentin Iltis, Universite de Bourgogne)

Dr Emma's Qualifications

Sociology PhD (Warwick University), Writing MA (St Andrews University), proofreading and editorial skills (Chapterhouse Publishers), interdisciplinary academic writing course (ESRC North-East Doctoral Training Centre, Durham University), social sciences postgraduate writing workshop (Monash University, Prato, Italy).

Author of three books: Temptation & Mozzarella, Seascape and Shattered Roses. In addition, I have run writing workshops at Warwick University, Exeter University, Huntercombe Hospital and Scottish Widows. You can check out my other qualifications at LinkedIn.


Because each project is different, I will agree the price with you individually. My price is based on how complex the document is, how long it is and how urgently you need me to return it. To quote an exact price I ask for what you would like to be checked in the document, the word limit, deadline (very important!) and a writing sample.

Please get in touch to have a chat about how I can help with your project. Send all queries to with PROOFREADING in the subject line.


The most basic form of editing, a Proofread will see us correcting commonplace errors in your manuscript, in regards to grammatical mistakes and punctuational mishaps. 


If you want a little bit more than a basic proofread, but not a substantive review of your entire manuscript. In addition to correcting grammatical and punctuational errors, a copy-edit will review your manuscript for continuity errors and will ensure consistency of formatting. Awkward sentences will be brought to your attention, and suggestions provided to rewrite weak, confusing or convoluted segments in your manuscript. 
  • Editing for punctuation & grammar
  • Editing for continuity & consistency
  • Editing for complicated syntax & style

Thesis proofreading 

Universities have guidelines on what cannot be altered, such as the argument of the thesis which should be the researcher's own thoughts, so please check your institutions guidelines allow proofreading.
  • Checking spelling
  • Editing non-native English
  • Editing structure sentence-native to improve grammar (not re-writing the argument)
  • Consistency of style e.g. use of italics for book titles
  • Highlighting ambiguities (unclear meaning) and monotonous repetition

Please get in touch to have a chat about how I can help with your project. Send all queries to with PROOFREADING in the subject line please.


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