
Showing posts from 2017

Should academia require endurance or empathy?

After meeting a friend and discussing the highs and lows of PhD life and academia recently, I then went to see the Enduring Eye exhibition at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. The exhibition is a stunning display of photographs of Sir Ernest Shackleton's 'Endurance Expedition' of 1914-1917.  Being in academia right now kind of feels like being trapped in an iced-in ship, that is, in a hostile environment not suited to human beings. By no means do I intend to underplay the harsh experiences faced by the crew of the Endurance. But neither should we underestimate the mental and physical levy that is currently the “norm” of academia.  Here is the optimistic part of my post, working conditions are what we decide to make them. As we move into post-Brexit times it has never been more important to create good working conditions… at the forefront of this emphasis should be our universities, which are supposed to be focused on education ...

Young people, learning & storytelling (book announcement)

I am happy to announce that Palgrave MacMillian will be publishing my book on storytelling at the end of next year. This has involved 6 months of hard work, rethinking and amazingly kind reviews and suggestions (some by the fabulous Jack Zipes). The book will be published as part of a special series: Palgrave Studies in Alternative Education .  Photo credit: guvendemir I think one of the difficulties will be finding an appropraite cover image as so many searches have resulted in primary children reading books, rather than secondary school aged youth listening to a tale. Any photographers or if you know a photographer with an appropriate image for sale please let me know. Working book synopsis: This book explores young people’s lives through fairy tales to demonstrate our complex relationship with storytelling including the emotional, behavioural and social aspects of story. Young people, learning & storytelling … provides excerpts from young people’s conv...

Proofreading and copy-editing

I specialise in plain-language editing, documents for businesses and charities, thesis and dissertation proofreading, and non-native English. Before becoming a freelance editor I worked for five years in academia, and 9 years in complex administration work. I work on a range of different documents with businesses, charities, public-sector organisations, students and fiction authors. Recent projects include proofreading literature such as Miss Darcy’s Beaux for author Eliza Shearer. Please get in touch to have a chat about how I can help with your project. Testimonials Theses I really enjoyed reading your comments, they are really reflexive and helpful of couse. Thank you so much. I definately will introduce you to my friends who need proof-reading. Don't feel surprised may be one day you will recieve emails from scholars in China. (Tong Xiyan, Sociology, University of Warwick)  Emma worked in a time-bound manner and provided detailed and relevant feedbac...