Small Great Things

Got excited when I got my hands on this one. However, my first impression was disappointment. I almost stopped reading when an example of racism given was a lady picking up her purse after catching someone approaching from the corner of her eye. I've done that before, movement in my eye reminding me I should be paying attention to my purse to discover it's my husband. I found it to be the only misplaced example in the whole book. Cause the rest of this book is breathtaking in terms of how the author frames three different stories: Nurse Ruth, a White supremacist and the nurse's lawyer. Now I understand that that moment of assumption, any assumption on both sides is the point the author was making. To know more, read it ;-) I don't want to give anything away. I hope it's enough to say the book is written well and held my attention throughout, once I got beyond the one example mentioned above. It's also an important book for the topics it raises and asks o...