Two journal articles released about The Artists and Academics exhibition

Well done to Alice and Eri for writing two seperate reflections about the Artists and Academics Exhibition (Nov 2016). I enjoyed reading both articles very much. Alice is an IAS fellow, History of Art, University of Warwick with specialisms in womanhood, representation, spirituality and modernity. Eri Tsukamoto is a Sociology PhD student, University of Warwick, researching online audience's reactions to wildlife docu-soaps. As the organiser of the exhibition I found it interesting to read two related articles, with such different perspectives. Eri’s article was a reflection on the value of researchers taking part in communicating their word through art, the process, the challenges and the enjoyment of the entire process. Definately worth a read for researchers trying to decide if they would like to take part in community exhibitions. Alice discussed and proceeded through the exhibition with local artist, Holly Dawes. As the result the article was an unusual combinatio...