New publication: Seascape

I am happy to announce the forthcoming publication of a book inspired by my storytelling research. The title Seascape comes from a play on the words ‘sea’ and ‘landscape’. Seascape is the title of one of the stories in the book. I had the idea for it walking the coast line of Cornwall. In particular along the areas connected to Gyllyngvase Beach, Falmouth. Those familiar with these areas will get a lot of the references to Cornish myths and landscape underlying the story. An old monolithic stone arch at Gyllyndune Gardens (Parfitt, 2012) Why write a book inspired by research? I had intended the writing to become part of my doctoral thesis. Yet before you think how boring (too late I suppose), the writing did not fit the academic work so I dropped that idea early on. Without using the writing as part of the research process which I did not wish to do at that point I created a book of stories instead. The stories I finally selected are interspersed with quotes from...