World War Z (a film about a zombie apocalypse)

I was asked by Iggy to prepare a Sociological reply to the following questions regarding the film World War Z. First I would like to say that I did not enjoy this film. I was bored. This is a personal option, yet, if you want to see a good zombie movie I would recommend the following (in no particular order): Night of the living dead 28 days later Warm bodies Zombieland The questions I was asked to consider were, if a zombie outbreak occurred: *What is the most realistic human reaction to the crisis? *In what order would society break down? *Would humanity come together or would it be a case of every man for himself? Question one: What is the most realistic human reaction to the crisis? Firstly, it is unlikely that social structures would break down (sorry to disappoint). Obviously such themes thrive on dooms day scenarios. But it isn’t real. Investigating the World Health Organisations previous respo...