Transformations Summer School
The transformations summer school hosted by Warwick University, Milburn House, and planned by Paul Whitehouse and myself took place July 2013. This was a free, two-day non-residential drama and storytelling event supported by the widening participation team in the English Department, with an additional £1000 funding from PREP (Postgraduate Researcher Enterprise Programme) raised by myself. Twenty-four pupils attended from the following schools: Tile Hill Wood School (Coventry) George Elliot School (Nuneton) Stoke Park (Coventry) Myton School (Warwick) President Kennedy School (Coventry) Bluecoat C of E School (Coventry) Slough Grammar School (Slough) We’ve had some great parent feedback about the two day event which was designed to support current year nine and ten school pupils with interests in English Literature, Drama or Theatre to consider a future in Higher Education (HE). ‘Thank you to you and the whole team for putting on such a great course. The performances ...