
Showing posts from October, 2012

Scottish Storytelling Festival

I just got back from Edinburgh. Went to the Scottish Storytelling Festival for the chance to meet Joanna Geyer Kordesch, who is researching Science, Medicine and the Arts of Illness with funding from the Wellcome Trust. Sadly she is not very well and was unable to attend her workshops last week. Donald Smith, Director of the Storytelling Centre, led the discussions stating very eloquently that 'the way we experience the world is closer to imagination than to a realistic science model. In the way that we view the world is very different from that experience.'   The group discussed health and states of mind with some of the group sharing wonderful personal stories.   Kordesch believes that 'Narrative description is subjective and orientated on the individual’s attempt to understand experience'. To improve the health care system we need to work with each person's story, treating mind and body as a complete whole. Mental states of illness are about rela...

Questions & Answers

This month my task is to clarify my research questions and methods in greater detail. Today I mind mapped all the ideas I had and formed some questions as follows: Overall research question: Does traditional storytelling have an effect on adolescent emotional aptitude (that is emotional ability) This then breaks down into a set of sub-questions: 1/ How can we measure if the emotional aptitude of adolescents changes or remains the same in response to storytelling? 2/ What processes may be occurring between the storyteller and the listener that work with or against emotional aptitude? How can these be used in a creative piece? 3/ How can storytelling be compared to reading and writing? 4/ Does storytelling have an effect on social relationships at the individual, group and community level? Creative piece: As a creative experiment I will refer to the adolescents' thoughts from this research to inspire short stories with themes of emotional aptitude, blending reality and...

Settling in

I’ve now officially got access to everything at Warwick. And there are some great training courses I can go on in the Comparative literature and Sociology departments. On qualitative and quantitative methods. At present I’m focused on applying to funding through Warwick and the Chancellor’s Fund, though it is highly competitive I hope I’ll be able to demonstrate all the hard work I’ve put in this year. There isn't much part time work available unfortunately. But looking for something linked to my research such as in a school or department at the university. I had a great meeting with Marcia Harvey, a regional participation manager at Youngminds on Friday. She is doing some amazing work with groups in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and the surrounding areas. I’m hoping that there may be potential to work together on some common goals in the future.